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Corporation dynamic

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Corporation dynamic

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When the heat transfer printing is normally carried out, it is sure that the printing work should be done first, and then the heat transfer printing should be carried out, so that the subsequent processing effect can be stable and good, and the effect presented must not be worried by us. However, the processing capacity of each manufacturer is different, and the processing methods are different. It is certain that the final effect will be different. If you really want to do a good job of processing, you must still pay attention to it at any time. If there is a problem of disconnection during processing, what is it ? How should we solve such problems ?


There is a problem with the printer itself

If there are some problems in the printing process before the heat transfer printing, it is sure that the follow-up processing should be carried out in time, so that it can be truly guaranteed. In fact, as long as you can do a good job of debugging the printer, you can generally solve such problems. There are some corresponding ink conditions, we must also be confirmed in advance, so that the subsequent use of nature will not have an impact. We should still confirm the situation of the printer in time, otherwise it will certainly be greatly affected.


The transfer temperature is not determined.

After the heat transfer printing is completed, there are problems such as disconnection, so it is sure to consider whether the processing temperature is stable and whether there are certain problems. Generally, the temperature is not well controlled. In fact, it is found that such problems should be adjusted in time for the first time. Don 't wait for the problem to be solved when batch processing occurs, so the temperature control should be done well. Staff also need to do a good job of learning as a whole, only in this way can we truly ensure that the follow-up processing is not affected by any.

National Unified Hotline:0512-65130191
Floor 2, Building 2, Beiguandu Road 7, Wuzhong District, Suzhou
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