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Corporation dynamic

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Corporation dynamic

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In order to ensure a good heat transfer printing effect, it is necessary to have a suitable processing mode. If you are really able to contact a good manufacturer, the processing effect is guaranteed. However, in order to ensure a good thermal transfer style, it is sure that the application of equipment should be done well, and special attention should be paid to the control of temperature. Only in this way can we truly see a good presentation effect. Because large manufacturers will use different types of equipment, so the temperature control and processing still need to be determined.


First, according to the printing requirements to set.

Now heat transfer printing processing is also a different type of way, so if we really want to ensure a good processing mode, then certainly should determine a good printing mode. Now the equipment generally belongs to the intelligent equipment, so we as long as we can do a good job in the overall design style confirmation, and then follow-up processing, control the temperature can be. This naturally allows us to see a good thermal transfer effect, even in some high-end clothing processing is also guaranteed.


Second, pay attention to sample processing and temperature confirmation.

Because the subsequent heat transfer printing process will certainly have certain differences. If it is the first processing, the processing sample can also be confirmed first, so that we can see good results. And set the temperature and processing time, etc., the follow-up only need to do a good job of intelligent program settings, the use of equipment is naturally better. With a good processing mode, coupled with temperature control, the effect of natural thermal transfer printing can also reassure us.

National Unified Hotline:0512-65130191
Floor 2, Building 2, Beiguandu Road 7, Wuzhong District, Suzhou
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