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Corporation dynamic

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Corporation dynamic

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Now many clothes have reflective thermal transfer design, such a processing mode style is exquisite, and at night can also have a very good reflective effect, so many high-end clothing will have such a design. However, if you really want to do a good job of customized processing services, then you must also consider the design style, because the follow-up is to use reflective materials, so you must still know the corresponding design considerations. Only in this way can we really see good results.


Consider the overall concept of design.

Because of the processing of reflective thermal transfer printing, it is certainly only partial processing, and it is impossible to fully use such reflective technology, so it should certainly take into account the overall design concept. Especially in recent years, there are many friends who like to run at night. Sports equipment and clothing need to have appropriate reflective design, so we must design where we need to. Small area design can actually let us see the good effect, and do not have to worry about there may be too much problem, is to ensure the use and aesthetic effect.


Consider practicality and cost.

Because reflective thermal transfer printing is generally in the last few processes of processing, the follow-up affirmation also needs to do a good job in the overall presentation effect, so it is certainly necessary to do a good job in the confirmation of practicality, so as to present a good processing effect. Considering the cost performance and cost, but also to select the cost-effective manufacturers to cooperate, so that after the completion of a good design, it can naturally show a perfect effect, cost-effective processing mode is worthy of our trust.

National Unified Hotline:0512-65130191
Floor 2, Building 2, Beiguandu Road 7, Wuzhong District, Suzhou
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